Entrepreneur Development

Our approach
Poverty is multidimensional. The United Nations has identified eight Millennium Development Goals, which form a blueprint to help countries and development institutions meet the needs of the world’s poorest. Each of our interventions too has been devised to align with the UNMDGs. Our efforts towards alleviating poverty while adhering to the UNMDGs also provides for integrated development among rural communities.
- End poverty & hunger
- Universal education
- Gender equality
- Child and maternal health
- Environment
- Global partnership
Entrepreneur Development
Entrepreneur development is the core activity of the CHHASE. We promote various skill development activities based on the need of the locality and cover diverse areas like including farm and non-farm sector. Apart from developing the skills of people, we support entrepreneurs by enhancing their skills on different business aspects including financial management, people management and machinery management.
Existing entrepreneurs are supported with additional income- generation activities through our ICT programme. To reduce down time, we also extend minor hardware training and computer skill training to our entrepreneurs.
We conduct regular training programmes for rural people. These training programmes span over a host of topics, including health, environment, computer skills, adult literacy, and refresher courses on self-help group modules. Our skill development training centre's, being enabled with computer facilities, all such training programmes are conducted through visual communication methodologies.
Rural Technology
Inclusion Social inequality between urban and rural residents according to the access, usage and knowledge of Information and Communication Technologies is very vast. One of our primary objectives is to bridge this gap and reduce the inequality by promoting Technological Inclusion of Rural Residents. To facilitate this process, we undertake regular educational camps providing information pertaining to computers and other communication technologies. We organise educational camps both through stationed and mobile centres.
Social Mobilisation
Social Mobilization is the forte of our program. Through this, we provide awareness programmes on gender, good governance, law, social welfare schemes through citizen's charter programme, and library services; we strengthen local body governance throughGrama Sabha meetings- awareness along with refresher modules on health, environment, and education programmes.
Good Governance
Through Good Governance activities we take up penetration of Government programmes at the grass-roots levels. This ensures inclusion of poor in welfare schemes. We help in completing formalities by compiling necessary documentation and reach out to government officials through effective networking.